Bitcoin and Blockchain
When I started in my technology career we were faced with Y2K and the emergence of the Internet as indespensible to nearly every business. There was a constant acceleration in terms of the speed and degree of innovation. Then came the smartphone/app revolution. We are witnessing what could be another huge shift in our digital worlds with bitcoin and blockchain.
First let me say that I am not an expert on Bitcoin or Blockchain at this point, but I'm a believer that it will transform our lives significantly.
At this point, the crypto-currency world is full of hype and speculation and a test of what will sell and what will make people the most money. A lot like the internet bubble, lots of ideas will be tried and some will work and some work in terms of new currencies.
So far I think that blockchain is really the technology that will transform every part of our technology in one way or another. Its builds a potential system of trust that doesn't exist today. This has potential far beyond crypto-currency, but anything and everything that involves ANY type of transaction of data or products.
Here are some places that I am learning from: